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Calculating Child Support

Calculating Child Support

The overnight time spent with children is used to determine what the non-custodial parent will pay in child support payments. In cases where one parent has sole custody Wisconsin child support payments are calculated using a standard percentage model based on income and the number of children. You can estimate the payments for child support owed to the parent with sole custody by using our Sole Custody Support Calculator.

  • For 1 child it is calculated at 17%
  • For 2 children it is calculated at 25%
  • For 3 children it is calculated at 29%
  • For 4 children it is calculated at 31%
  • For 5+ children it is calculated at 34%

The first step in calculating your estimated child support is understanding what qualifies as income. Here are the most common forms of income:

  • Wages
  • Overtime Wages
  • Tips
  • Commissions
  • Bonuses
  • Interest Income
  • Rental Income

Wisconsin courts deduct federal income tax, state income tax, social security, the expense of health insurance for the children and union dues.

Sole Support Child Support Calculator

This is an estimate.

Sole Custody Calculator

Monthly Income1 Child (17%)2 Children (25%)3 Children (29%)4 Children (31%)5+ Children (34%)

The second step is to understand how custody will be shared. As mentioned above this is decided on how many overnights each parent will have with the child. Take advantage of our Sole Custody Calculator to determine an estimate of the child support payments.

Shared Child Support Calculator

This is calculator will provide you with an estimate of shared child support
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