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Why is My Child Lying During Custody Proceedings?

 Posted on October 07,2024 in Child Custody

WI family lawyerEvery parent has experienced their child lying. Children lie for a lot of different reasons. Young children might tell fantastical stories as if they are true simply as a means of expressing their imagination. Older children might lie to get out of doing something they do not want to do, often by pretending to be sick to avoid going to school. Teenagers often lie to avoid getting in trouble, like when they claim to be at a friend’s house while they are actually at a party where alcohol is present. When children lie during child custody proceedings, you and your Madison, WI family law attorney will want to find out why they are not telling the truth and what the truth is. Children’s words can influence the results of a custody hearing.

What is Coaching? 

Coaching is when an adult tells a child what to say in order to influence the results of a child custody dispute. A parent who is trying to make his or her co-parent look bad might train a child to claim that the co-parent uses drugs, hits the child, or has been violent toward other family members. It is usually obvious to the court when coaching has taken place, but it is still important to tell your attorney if you suspect that someone is teaching your child to say things that are not true.

Older Children May Lie to Get Their Way 

Older children who are better able to understand what is happening might lie to the court as a means of trying to influence the judge’s decision. If your child wants placement with his other parent so he can stay near his girlfriend instead of relocating with you, he might tell the court that you have said verbally abusive things to him. This is often a way of gaining control over a situation where the child feels powerless. Children who do this often relent after a serious discussion, and family therapy may help.

Young Children May Lie for Attention

You have likely heard about children "acting out" while their parents are getting divorced. Acting out can be a way of seeking attention from adults when children feel insecure. One way this can manifest is by lying during custody proceedings. Young children are often poor liars, and it is often plainly obvious to courts when this is happening.

Contact a Dane County, WI Child Custody Lawyer 

John T. Fields & Associates, LLC is highly experienced in working with parents and children during stressful custody disputes. Compassionate Madison, WI child custody attorney John T. Fields will work to bring the truth to light in your case. Contact us at 608-729-3590 for a confidential consultation.

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